Demand Facebook Remove The Maroi Conservancy Site For Promoting Safari/Canned Trophy Hunting

The Maroi conservancy is a safari/canned trophy hunting ground in Limpopo, South Africa. Hunters (mostly Americans) go there to kill some rare and highly endangered animals such as lion, leopard, giraffe, elephant, waterbuck, & rhino. Maroi is the hunting ground that hosted the infamous Melissa Bachman, who shot and killed a young breeding aged lion.

Promoting this highly controversial act has absolutely no place on Facebook or other social media sites. The Maroi conservancy has scammed and lied to the public by hiding behind words like conservation and farming. Quite simply, the use of words such as conservation and farming is just a misguided attempt to blur and elude the views of the general public from Maroi's soul objective, which is to profit from killing valuable animals for their heads and body parts. The site also contains disturbing images of tourists with their rifles standing over their newly killed animal trophies. Several people have tried to flag the page, but Facebook does not perceive the sites content as offensive or graphic and that the page is not in violation of Facebooks community standards.

In conclusion, if safari/canned trophy hunting was actually a viable way to conserve the species, then why has this practice been outlawed in several African countries? Kenya, Botswana, & Zambia have banned all forms of trophy hunting. Instead, they support ecotourism to fund their wildlife conservation efforts. There are numbers of online petitions to urge the South African government to follow suit in the ban. These animals are precious, and required for the survival of our planet. As humans we have an obligation to protect them, they are our future and have the right to walk this earth with us.

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