Sign the petition: Stop πŸ›‘ BRWDA from logging watershed forest

Beech River Watershed has started logging their forests around Dogwood Lake in Henderson County, TN. Sign this petition to stop this logging and show your support to save our forest!

This petition has been created to generate interest in the Beech River Watershed Association (BRWDA) logging of their mature forests in Henderson County, TN. A 33 acre tract in the Dogwood Lake area is currently being logged. BRWDA has plans to log a portion of their forest every year. A mature forest plays a vital role in a healthy watershed ecosystem. Among the main goals as listed on the BRWDA homepage is to provide water supply, flood protection and preserve the natural environment. This logging seems in direct contrast to these stated goals. Concerns have been raised to BRWDA, the mayors of Henderson and Decatur counties, state legislators, TN government agencies, environmental groups and local press. We want to hear from you in hopes to generate enough public awareness to save our mature forests of this beautiful county.

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