The current animal cruelty law in Canada needs be made much stricter and enforced with harsher consequences. Once an individual is convicted of physically abusing an animal, they should be prohibited by law from owning a pet forever, not just for a few months or a few years. Children who are responsible for animal abuse should be required to regularly see a psychiatrist so they can learn to handle their problems in a non aggressive manner and so they can properly understand why what they did was wrong and grow to be an empathetic adult. And as for adults that are fully conscious of their actions, giving them a fine is not enough punishment. They should be given longer imprisonment terms and counselling while incarcerated to really discourage abusive behavior before it affects more than just animals. This refurbished law should include all animals and birds. What prompted me to start this petition was the most recent disgusting, sad and horrific case of abuse of 200 dogs in Milk River Alberta ( Canada should set the example by implementing a much tougher animal abuse law across the country.
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