Let Them Bark - End Debarking in Oregon and All States

  • van: Rebecca H
  • ontvanger: Governor Kate Brown, Oregon Supreme Court, House Speaker Tina Kotek, Senate President Peter Courtney and others
An Oregon appeals court has just ruled that a couple must sever their dogs’ vocal cords in a procedure known as “debarking” or “devocalization."

Debarking is cutting an animal’s vocal cords. This is a painful and unnecessary surgery and the results are to silence the animal or make their bark not as loud. Surgery always has risks, even more so when the use of anaesthesia is required as it is in these cases. This is taking away their voice just because someone is annoyed by a dog barking. In this case, the couple argued that they need the dogs to bark to protect their livestock on their 10 acre farm.

We need to take a stand and ban this for the sake of animals everywhere. Debarking is already partially banned in 6 states. Please help these animals. The solution to the problem isn't simple, but there are always better ways of dealing with barking dogs. Urge Oregon to act now and follow these other states in ending this inhumane practice.
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