
Elsa Newman is a 54-year-old mother, unjustly imprisoned in Maryland Correctional Institution for Women at Jessup. She was charged with a crime committed by another person, family friend Margery Landry, who broke into the house of Newman's estranged husband, Arlen Slobodow, on a night when he had the couple's children for a visit. What she found there seems to have been a case of abuse in progress. Please see this article for more information:

In the process of investigation, I have found, to date, over sixty-five reasons for believing Elsa Newman when she says 1) that she is innocent and 2) that her children have been and are suffering from unspeakable sexual abuse at the hands of their father, per their disclosures to her and others. Where can you check out these reasons? The news portion of this site, or
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