STOP THE SADISTIC DOG & CAT MEATTRADE aka DCMT by urging Congress to implement HRes401 & HR1406 into law

  • van: Mari Mari
  • ontvanger: HRes401 & HRes1406 to USA Congress

NB .... please sign and share....whoever you are and wherever you are in the world....So many animal lovers only have E MAIL  and do not participate in FB and Twitter, so please share this petition with E MAIL users, so they have a chance to participate in this fight against this cruelty.The DCMT which is the cruel torturous "Dog and Cat Meat Trade" is worldwide.Boiled alive, burnt alive, skinned alive, dragged behind cars, limbs cut off while fully conscious....all in the ridiculous belief that their meat is more tasty and tender,if they are satanically tortured. This petition comprises the 325 petitions Amy Calendrillo Alexander put together to all members of congress, throughout all the states of America, urging them to end the DCMT by cosponsoring and implementing into law the two crucial House resolutions HR 1406 & HR 401,that have the most powerful capability to end this dreadfully sadistic and satanic trade,where millions of dogs and cats across the world are brutally tortured and slaughtered for their meat.Dog farms,where they live in horrific destitute conditions,pets kidnapped and processed for their meat,mercilessly transported en mass,in brutal cruel,pain inducing wire cages to their dreadful fate.Your signature will help Amy and all the Animal Rights Activists, desperately fighting to end this Holocaust,to convince Congress,that this heinous trade must be halted,right across the world, that morals and ethics must come into play and that ending the pain and agony of Gentle, Defenceless, Innocent beings, brutally tortured at the claws of ravaging evil,is paramount. Please URGENTLY sign this petition and please URGENTLY share it with all animal lovers across the globe and together let us put a stop to this unabated evil that is exponentially sweeping our earth. We need to stop this and stop this now🙏

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