The greyhound racing industry is known by many of those involved in animal rights to be an often cruel industry. The greyhounds may be kept in cramped, barren kennels for a lot of their time and/or muzzled for too long, which can cause distress to the dogs. Many dogs also suffer injuries, including broken necks, broken legs and fractured skulls due to racing. An article on Care2 states that, on average, three dogs die every day at racing tracks. Those who survive are often shot or put down when they are no longer profitable. Alternatively, they may be abandoned, sent abroad for further racing or sent to vivisection laboratories. The lucky ones get good homes.
Apparently, Florida is one of only six US states in which greyhound racing is still legal. However, there is a newly-offered proposal that could amend the state constitution to outlaw wagering on greyhound racing and phase them out by December 31st 2019. This is almost certain to only happen if enough people want it to. We need to be a voice for the greyhounds and ensure that greyhound racing is phased out and that no adoptable, healthy greyhound is put down unnecessarily due to this change. We need to ensure that all adoptable, healthy greyhounds are re-homed or at least kept in good, no-kill shelters in which they will be kept as happy, healthy and safe as they can be during their time there.
If you want to do more for the greyhounds of Florida, you could do these things:
1. Attend one of the Florida CRC's public hearings detailed in the Care2 article, if you can. Be polite, follow the Care2 article's advice and speak up for the greyhounds.
2. Send the CRC Office a polite email about this issue and try to persuade them to move forward with Proposal 67.
3. Donate to Greyhound Ranch Adoptions, Inc.
Here is the link to the aforementioned Care2 article: