Seeking Justice for Chewy, neglected pup tied to a tree in the snow

  • van: Slava Radakovic
  • ontvanger: Van Buren County Animal Control; the Van Buren County Sheriff's Office

Meet Chewy, a small dog who was tied to a tree by his owners and left to die outside in the cold in Gobles Michigan. Having been contacted by worried neighbors, police arrived to merely ticket the owners for having a pup without a license. The SPCA director for SouthWest Michigan, however, knows when she sees animal neglect taking place. So upon visiting the property the most Katie Timber could do for Chewy was leave some food, some straw and a heater water dish.

We demand the following. Rellocate Chewy to a better home, charge the owners with animal neglect, and prevent them from ever raising another pet! Leaving a small dog outside with no water or food is neglect!

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