Friends of the Cats rescued from Kingdom of Cats.

  • van: Save The Cats
  • ontvanger: Beiamin Orlowsi and Aleksandra Orlowski

In April 2013 Cat's friends rescue was alerted of possible neglect taking place at Kingdom of Cats cattery. As a result of an investigation many cats were taken into care these included Sunshine a bengal who was left with an untreated broken leg which was later amputated and several emaciated pregnant cats were also taken in and fostered by Cats Friends Rescue. The rescue pulled out all the stops and got the cats all the help they needed and as a result ended up thousands of debt. 6 months on the breeder (who has since immigrated) is taking a case accusing the rescue of 'stealing' the cats yet has never offered to pay the vet bills. The cats now live in happy, safe new homes where they are being spoilt just like every cat should be. Despite evidence the breeder is insisting that no neglect took place.  

Please sign this petition and give a voice to Sunshine, Xavier and the other survivers of Kingdom of Cats and stand up against animal abuse. 

In April 2013 Cat's friends rescue was alerted of possible neglect taking place at Kingdom of Cats cattery. As a result of an investigation many cats were taken into care these included Sunshine a bengal who was left with an untreated broken leg which was later amputated and several emaciated pregnant cats were also taken in and fostered by Cats Friends Rescue. The rescue pulled out all the stops and got the cats all the help they needed and as a result ended up thousands of debt. 6 months on the breeder (who has since immigrated) is taking a case accusing the rescue of 'stealing' the cats yet has never offered to pay the vet bills. The cats now live in happy, safe new homes where they are being spoilt just like every cat should be. Despite evidence the breeder is insisting that no neglect took place.  

Please sign this petition and give a voice to Sunshine, Xavier and the other survivers of Kingdom of Cats and stand up against animal abuse. 

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