Name Dallas Zoo Baby Giraffe In Honor of Christina Morris, Missing for 8 Months

Christina Morris, 23, has been missing since August 30th, 2014. She was my coworker and good friend. The giraffe is her favorite animal, and it would be a wonderful tribute and showing of community solidarity and support if Dallas Zoo's new baby giraffe were named "Nina," which is Christina's nickname.

So many people have been touched by Christina's story and this would be a precious gift to her family and friends, a beacon of light in this time of darkness.

Nina means "I have" in Swahili, which adheres to the zoo's policy of naming new babies by their country of origin. Zookeepers will choose 3 potential names for the baby giraffe. A public vote will determine the winner.

Please sign the petition to ask Dallas Zoo to add "Nina" to the list of potential names, in honor of Christina Morris, missing for 8 months. #ComeHomeNina #HelpFindChristina

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This petition was started in honor of Christina Morris, a young woman who has been missing since August 30th, 2014. The hope is to have the new baby giraffe at the Dallas Zoo be named Nina in honor of Christina. So many people have been touched by Christina's story and this would be a precious gift to her family and friends, a beacon of light in this time of darkness. #ComeHomeNina

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