Stop Deep Sea Oil Drilling off the Coasts of New Zealand

The coastline and deep waters of New Zealand has always provided food, and I must mention also the beauty of New Zealands oceans being admired not just by locals but by many tourists also.

If this deep sea oil drilling is going to continue and be put into action ... then it will be the end of collecting food from these parts of the ocean due to poisoning, etc. that WILL happen, no maybes about it. Also it will be the destruction of so much beautiful flora and fauna of the area.

"The Minister told the Court that he took no international obligations into account, and that he considered no environmental matters when issuing the permit." .... "In fact, an international expert provided evidence that New Zealand is worse than Nigeria when it comes to requirements for environmental impact assessments."

So recently, was spread worldwide the damage of the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico, yet still Key wants to go ahead with deep sea oil drillig in New Zealand?

Please help New Zealand's oceans and flora and fauna that do not deserve their grounds to be destroyed just for money!

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petitie tekenen


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