Canada Just Banned Whale and Dolphin Captivity, But the Cetaceans at Marineland Will continue to Suffer

  • van: Care2 Team
  • ontvanger: Marineland Canada Management
URGENT UPDATE: Canada has passed the "Free Willy" bill will make it illegal to keep cetaceans in captivity. Parks like Marineland will no longer be allowed to import or breed any new marine mammals. Unfortunately, the government gave them a whale-sized loophole, letting the park keep its current pod of whales and dolphins. This is not ok, a look throughout Marineland's timeline is pocked with marine mammal deaths — some as late as this year. Marineland doesn't deserve the courtesy of being allowed to "care for" their whales. They need to give them up now. Please continue to sign, share and fight for animal justice.

Opening day for most businesses should be a time of celebration. But for one theme park, each year it's first days of business aren't met with park-goers clambering to get in, rather, park officials usually catch an earful from angry protesters.

That's because the park, Marineland, in Niagara Falls, Canada is notorious for its almost constant animal deaths. From beluga whales to walruses the attraction has lost numerous animals over the last several years. The deaths have further galvanized animal rights activists who want the park's animals released to a sanctuary rather than trapped behind bars.

Demand that Marineland give their caged animals to reputable sanctuaries.

Now, activists have had enough. The park recently announced that they were closing their newly reopened deer park after a tragic accident caused the death of two of their herbivores. Weeks before the deer deaths, Apollo, an 18-year-old walrus died of a heart attack. Apollo is the second walrus to die this year at the park and the tally is sure to rise.

In fact, according to One Green Planet, over their six decades of operation, the park has seen the deaths of, at least 17 orca whales, 25 beluga whales, and an estimated 22 dolphins. So bad is their care that at one point even SeaWorld — no hero in animal rights — sued Marineland to get one of their orcas back whose health they claim had deteriorated after loaning it to the Canadian park.

Wild animals should never be in captivity, but this park, perhaps more than any other, is so negligent that those in their menagerie are in constant danger of turning up dead.

Ask Marineland how many deaths will they allow before they realize that what they are doing is animal cruelty. Sign the petition and tell Marineland to end their live animal shows and give their animals to a proper sanctuary.
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