Petition on safety measures

Concerned citizens and residents who are frequent visitors to the complex at Callaway court and Peachtree parkway intersection which hosts groceries store, beauty parlor, restaurant, tutoring center and few more in the City of Cumming are writing to express our deepest concerns for the safety of visitors and residents at the mentioned intersection at Cumming, Forsyth County, GA.

We are requesting that a traffic light/signal or a closed median or a no left turn signal which ever will be appropriate to be placed and installed at this intersection as soon as possible.

Here is a sad example of the recent loss of life of a young Indian immigrant. His family is facing a turmoil and lives have been turned upside down. It is heart breaking and we can make a change by installing a traffic light/signal at this intersection to slow traffic. Let's make the change and be proactive so that another life is not lost because of insufficient safety measure.

Thank you,

Concerned citizens of Forsyth County / residents of City of Cumming, Johns Creek, Fulton and other visitors visiting this area.

Update #15 jaar geleden
Please join for the Public comments at Forsyth county admin building, 110 east Main Street, Cumming, 30040 at 5pm today (Feb 7th) for the presentation to the Board of Commissioners.
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