Ban Dog Fighting Forever!

People laugh and cheer as these defenseless dogs are forced to fight to the death for "sport"!

Add your name if you want to ban this cruel practice, NOW!

Imagine what it would be like, if you were in the place of one of these helpless dogs.

All you want is to make your human companion happy, because you love him.

But he shoves you into a fight with another dog.

Why is he doing this?

It hurts so much, and you're so scared.

After you've been wounded many times, you begin to realize that you're going to die.

You lie down, too weak to continue, as the other dog closes its jaws around your throat.

You look to your master's face one last time, hoping for a glimpse of love before you go.

And all you see is hate.

That is the reality for many of the countless dogs who are forced to fight to the death throughout Pakistan, every day.

"Covered in blood and limping from their injuries, the specially-trained dogs tear into each other as their owners urge them on.

"The animals are thrown together as spectators goad them into a frenzy, before one eventually emerges the winner," reported The Daily Mail.

Don't you want to end this wicked practice of forcing dogs to fight each other to the death for human entertainment?

Then add your name to ask Farogh Naseem, Pakistani Federal Minister for Law & Justice, who is also a member of the Senate of Pakistan, to spearhead a movement in his government that would ban this heinous cruelty forever!

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