Ban electric shock dog collars in the UK

  • van: Liz Storey
  • ontvanger: Baroness Parminter - Co-Chair of DEFRA and Lord de Mauley - Animal Welfare Minister
Electric shock collars (ESCs) are worn around a dog's neck and deliver a painful and distressing electric shock when a dog does not behave in a desired way. These collars are unnecessary, cruel, and should be banned.

Research, including research by government department DEFRA and the Kennel Club, shows the harm the collars do, and public support for a ban:
  • 1 in 4 dogs showed signs of stress compared to less than 5% of dogs in the non-electric shock collar control group.
  • 1 in 3 dogs yelp at the first use of electric shock collar and 1 in 4 yelp at subsequent uses.
  • 73% of the public disapprove of the use of electric shock collars on dogs
  • 79% of the public agree that positive reinforcement training methods can address behavioural issues in dogs without the need for negative training methods
  • 74% of the public would support the government introducing a ban on electric shock collars

The collars are already banned in Wales. We need them to be banned across the whole of the UK. DEFRA is the government agency responsible for enacting animal welfare laws in the UK.

Please sign my petition to tell Baroness Parminter, Co-Chair of DEFRA, that electric shock collars should be banned immediately.
Dear Baroness Parminter,

Research by DEFRA and by the Kennel Club has shown that electric shock collars on dogs are unnecessary, cruel, and should be banned. For example,

  • 1 in 4 dogs showed signs of stress compared to less than 5% of dogs in the non-electric shock collar control group.

  • 1 in 3 dogs yelp at the first use of electric shock collar and 1 in 4 yelp at subsequent uses.

  • 73% of the public disapprove of the use of electric shock collars on dogs

  • 79% of the public agree that positive reinforcement training methods can address behavioural issues in dogs without the need for negative training methods

  • 74% of the public would support the government introducing a ban on electric shock collars

The collars are already banned in Wales. We need them to be banned across the whole of the UK. Please act and create a new law to ban the sale and use of these collars immediately.


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