Ban Horse-Drawn Carriages in Fort Collins, Colorado

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Horses endure pain and suffering because of the outdated practice of carriage rides. According to animal rights organizations, horses are forced to toil in all weather extremes, dodge traffic, and pound the pavement all day long. These gentle animals suffer from respiratory ailments because they are nose to tail-pipe all day and breathe in exhaust fumes.  They develop debilitating leg problems from walking on hard surfaces. Horses are known to die regularly from heatstroke or automobile collisions in this industry.

Horses are afforded no federal protection under the Animal Welfare Act, so the responsibility of looking out for horses’ welfare falls to local animal control officials. But anti-cruelty laws provide few safeguards to horses, and many humane authorities just don’t have the resources or the time to monitor horse-drawn carriages in order to ensure that horses are not being overworked and that operators are following regulations.

When horses grow too old, tired, or ill to continue pulling heavy loads, they aren’t retired to green pastures and loving homes, as many people are led to believe. It’s cost-prohibitive to maintain a permanent sanctuary for the countless numbers of horses who break down in this industry. Instead, many worn-out horses are slaughtered and turned into food for dogs or for carnivores in zoos, or else they’re shipped overseas for human consumption.

Many cities—including Biloxi, Mississippi; Camden, New Jersey; Palm Beach, Pompano Beach, Key West, and Treasure Island, Florida—have already banned horse-drawn carriages. Even New York City will soon ban this horrific industry.   

Read more about the imorality of horse carriages from the Coalition to Ban Horse-Drawn Carriages.

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