When I sign Care2 Petitions, Would it be possible that CARE2 Petitions removes the automatic check box that allows the "sponsoring" non-profits to send emails and worst of all regular JUNK mail. It is against the environment to produce so much Junk Mail and yet many organizations like Human Rights Campaign, Sierra Club, Alzheimer’s Foundation, etc will automatically and constantly send letters, with self addressed return labels, keychain gadgets, calendars and opportunities to win a T-shirt, a bag, etc. all of this to get people like me to send them money, that they spend on increasing Consumerism. It usually takes 3 or 4 requests for them to remove my name from their JUNK mailing list.
It makes me feel more reluctant to contribute to the organization when they are mindlessly spending money on JUNK. Have they not noticed calendars and car keys are electronic? we communicate by email or texts instead of regular mail, T-shirts are sold in Thrift-stores. None of the products they fund are useful anymore.
This is a petition for Non-Profits to shrink their waste, focus the funds they receive on the social or environmental issues they represent. Stop cutting trees and filling landfills with waste.
Be Mindful, Be Alert, Be Conscious, Be Compassionate.
When I sign Care2 Petitions, Would it be possible that CARE2 Petitions removes the automatic check box that allows the "sponsoring" non-profits to send emails and worst of all regular JUNK mail. It is against the environment to produce so much Junk Mail and yet many organizations like Human Rights Campaign, Sierra Club, Alzheimer’s Foundation, etc will automatically and constantly send letters, with self addressed return labels, keychain gadgets, calendars and opportunities to win a T-shirt, a bag, etc. all of this to get people like me to send them money, that they spend on increasing Consumerism. It usually takes 3 or 4 requests for them to remove my name from their JUNK mailing list.
It makes me feel more reluctant to contribute to the organization when they are mindlessly spending money on JUNK. Have they not noticed calendars and car keys are electronic? we communicate by email or texts instead of regular mail, T-shirts are sold in Thrift-stores. None of the products they fund are useful anymore.
This is a petition for Non-Profits to shrink their waste, focus the funds they receive on the social or environmental issues they represent. Stop cutting trees and filling landfills with waste.
Be Mindful, Be Alert, Be Conscious, Be Compassionate.
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