THis is an awful website that promotes the unethical killing of animals. The Person blogging it is clearly an animal hater and seems to be an employee of an animal shelter in New York City. It is in Very bad taste and very graphic with their veiws. I have never seen anything quite like a shelter employee that actually loves to kill the animals that they come in contact with. It is a very sick site. Please sign to shut this awful, horrible, site down.    

 ASPCA! They managed to defeat that stupid bill in NY (that CAPA, or CARRA, or Crapola, whatever) and now they've done something brilliant! They bamboozled this representative into sponsoring their version. It's so great! It covers all the BS stuff that the no-kill wackos want done, and then adds in legalese "unless they don't f'ing want to do it." It's inspired! A Pro-Kill-Bill made to sound like it will save animals, but gives shelters free rein to kill at will. I love NY!     
Rendering truck came by today to empty out the freezer... now THAT is efficiency! We get donations to save animals, kill all but a few, then, we turn them over to a rendering company that turns them into pet food. Nothing is wasted. Pure efficiency. There is profit at every level!     
Have not had a heart-tugging story in a day or so at our shelter, so our director said we may need to amputate a leg or something to get some media attention... nothing better than a tripod dog to get media attention.   
Another quote for the day: ASPCA's policy on "euthanasia" says, "The ASPCA believes that unwanted pets deserve a dignified, painless death rather than suffer from such cruelties as malnutrition, disease or trauma, outcomes commonly associated with an unwanted and/or uncared-for existence." So, instead of feeding the hungry...    
So, yesterday, we get in this puppy. It was beaten with a baseball bat and has 3 broken legs. It needed to be put down. But, the marketing department said the press was on their way. So, they did surgery instead. Well get a couple months of PR, then kill the pup.

Too bad those of us on the front line will have to clean another cage all that time... but I guess the donations that come in will help pay our salaries. 
Quote of the day: “I would go to work early, before anyone got there, and I would just kill the animals myself. Because I couldn’t stand to let them go through (other workers abusing the animals.) I must have killed a thousand of them, sometimes dozens every day.” Ingrid Newkirk, head of PETA1
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