This Country Introduced a Bill to Ban Wild Animals in Circuses

UK Environment Secretary Michael Gove has announced a new bill to finally ban the use of wild animals in travelling circuses. This is huge news and could be a great win for animals in the UK!

This legislation is long overdue but has been welcomed by campaigners who say it is vitally important we end the practice of keeping animals like zebras and camels in circuses where they may face inhumane treatment and are not allowed to live their lives in the way their natural behaviors would dictate.

So many of these animals face preventable health issues as well as mental health issues like depression and loneliness. Many are also beaten into submission in order to "perform" in certain ways for humans. Animals are not for entertainment, period. 

Previously, Tory backbenchers derailed legislation like this ban on wild animals in circuses despite it receiving overwhelming backing from the public. That cannot be allowed to happen this time. We the undersigned call on the UK's parliament to pass the ban on wild animals in circuses without delay!

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