They Collected 94 Pets In One Home, Leading Many Animals to Need Veterinary Care

  • van: Care2 Team
  • ontvanger: McAllen, Texas authorities
An Uber Eats driver in Texas thought it would be a normal day of delivering takeout meals to people. Then, at one home, they went to drop off a food order - only for the driver to discover something shocking. In one home, two tenants had collected nearly 100 pets, which is a serious risk to the health of the animals involved.

Luckily, the driver alerted authorities, who have since intervened in the situation. But sadly, the individuals involved clearly need some professional help if they were compelled to own so many animals.

Urge Texas authorities to require counseling to help these individuals!

With so many animals living together in one home, it was inevitable that most would wind up severely neglected. Many animals couldn't even walk because their hair had become so tangled and matted, it even wrapped around their legs and bound their feet together.

Authorities seized 93 dogs and one cat, none of which are ready for adoption because of their serious medical needs.

Shockingly, though, authorities may potentially return these animals back to their original owners. Apparently, as long as they win their court case, local rescue workers would be required to return the dogs and cat.

Clearly, neither of these pet owners are currently mentally healthy enough to take care of animals. If they are ever to be safe around pets again, they need mental health counseling now! Sign the petition to urge Texas officials to mandate therapy for these two pet owners!
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