Shut down "Ocala's Dirty Laundry" and ban its admins forever

  • van: Bob Thomas
  • ontvanger: Facebook, Mayor Guinn, Sheriff Chris Blair, Ocala Police Department, Governor Rick Scott
Each day the reputations of innocent hard-working individuals in Marion County Florida are affected by the unthoughtful, and inhumane comments made on the Facebook page known as "Ocala's Dirty Laundry"

Victims of the cyber bullying and online attacks on their businesses and reputations often report that any attempt to defend themselves will end up getting them blocked and banned from this page.

These nasty, unthoughtful, and inhumane words being used on this page by the admins and their members people are often considered to be what's called "Libel", a written form of slander.

The comments made on this page have caused people to lose their businesses, family friends, and even more. That should not be tolerated in any community.

The next largest problem with this page is the fact that they associate themselves with our great community by using the city name of "Ocala" as part of their group name. Ask yourself this, do you want people viewing our great city as a place where we promote cyber bullying? Should this be a community where people must live in fear of a Facebook page created to destroy people's lives and reputations?

I am asking Facebook, our local government, law makers & enforcement to take immediate action and remove this page and it's admits from Facebook for good. I also ask that are local government, lawmakers and enforcement hold the admin's and members of the page accountable for their negative actions within our community.

Support this petition by signing below, sharing with your friends, and helping to end the fear that is put into our every day lives by these monsters. Thank you and God bless
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