Holmes Animal Farm, Home of Lies and Murder

  • van: Faith W
  • ontvanger: Holmes Animal Farm

I have witnessed, and so have many people, the disturbing images and videos, of the animals in Holmes Farm. They ( the animals)are being gassed, killed, and needless to say, treated inhumanely. As a matter of fact, this isn't inhumane. This is past inhumane. This is just torture.

Those people know what they are doing. They know when an animal yelps or tries to scurry away, that it wants to be left alone or are injured. There is enough footage online, and I know not EVERYTHING online is true, to see that these animals need help. As soon as possible. Humans are just as equal to animals. They (the other animals) are not supposed to be treated like this. This is wrong.

What I am trying to say is, why don't we do something about it...? Have you tried contacting the police? Or maybe try raiding them even? Or going into there at night and take the animals, one by one? All I'm trying to say is why don't we try to help them?

If you saw a person being treated wrongfully, it would be different. The cops would come and haul the person who was being cruel to jail. SO why don't we do the same to the people who treat the animals like that the same way?

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