In Italy: The Province of Ravenna is considering the killing of 67 fallow deers next year

The Province of Ravenna (North Italy) has launched a four-year plan 2015-2018 which considers in this first year the killing of 67 fallow deers in Classe Park because they said they need to intervene on the supernumerary that generates problems to crops as well as safety problems.

It is incredible that people governing one of the most historic and beautiful Italian cities cannot find another solution which can save these beautiful animals’ lives.

For instance, they discarded the idea of introducing them in a private ZooSafari (just across the street) who offered to take care of them. They also discarded the hypothesis of proceeding with a chemical sterilization.

Please sign this petition to convince Ravenna Province Authorities to reconsider their cruel decision.

Update #110 jaar geleden
This is a very urgent petition to save deers' lives
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