Will you sign this petition to help save Purrfect Pets, a no-kill, non-profit cat rescue and adoption organization serving the Greater Kansas City area?
Purrfect Pets is a "home for homeless cats." It was located inside the Metcalf South Shopping Center in Overland Park for 11 years, but was forced to leave in July 2014 because of mall redevelopment.
It was a challenge to find affordable retail space that allowed animals, but Purrfect Pets eventually found a spot inside the Great Mall of the Great Plains in Olathe. Through fundraising and donations, Purrfect Pets invested a large amount of money into renovating the space to build cat runs, private rooms, and open play areas so that the cats and kittens would not have to live in cages. They opened their shelter to the public in mid-October.
Now, after just four months at the new adoption center, the Van Trust Real Estate announced that the Great Mall is closing, and Purrfect Pets has to leave by the end of April. This is the second devastating blow in one year for this small, non-profit animal rescue organization.
Simply put, Purrfect Pets does not currently have funds available to move in such a short period of time. They are asking the community for assistance, but we are also petitioning Van Trust Real Estate to reimburse Purrfect Pets for the money they spent to renovate, since the company allowed the nonprofit to move in and spend their limited funds on refurbishments, only to push them back out. Purrfect Pets would not have moved in and used these funds if they had known the mall was closing so soon.
Signatures on a petition will put pressure on Van Trust Real Estate to do the right thing. Please sign to ask Van Trust Real Estate to refrain from charging Purrfect Pets rent through April, and ask them to reimburse the nonprofit for the funds they spent renovating the space.
Also, please see the VIDEO about Purrfect Pets and their fundraising campaign at
Thank you!
(Note: Donations to help with relocation costs can be made at PurrfectPets.org.)
Van Trust Real Estate, We the undersigned urge you to do more to help Purrfect Pets relocate in the wake of the closure of the Great Mall of the Great Plains. Purrfect Pets invested a large amount of money into renovating so that cats and kittens would not have to live in cages. They opened the shelter to the public in mid-October, but after just 4 months, are being forced to move again because of your closure of the mall. We urge you to refrain from charging Purrfect Pets rent through April, and to reimburse the nonprofit for the funds they spent renovating the space. Thank you!
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