Please sign and share this petition in an effort to save the white rhino in Kenya from extinction. Recently, one of their breeding males passed on at only 34 years of age when their life expectancy is up to 50 years old. There is present fear that these amazing animals are in danger of extinction and need to plea with Kenya to take more steps in preserving their existence.
Although there are always concerns of poaching, it is evident that Suni, the 34 year old white rhino did not fall victim to such an incident since he was so closely monitored. Officials are not quite sure what happened to the poor animal as yet. There are however grave concerns regarding the endangerment and extinction of the white rhino as a result of this recent occurrence.
It is devastating that only about 6 northern white rhinos are left on earth, which includes one male of a subspecies of the southern white rhino. Suni had been an emblem of hope in bringing back the northern white rhinos; he was one of four of the world's eight remaining rhinos sent to the Kenyan conservancy in 2009 in hopes of preserving and building the white rhino population. It is very very sad that these animals are so rare and endangered.
The northern white rhinoceros is a "victim of evolution," and it was a remnant population cut off from the southern white rhinoceros by the Great Rift Valley and the dense forests of Central Africa.Already isolated and occurring in low numbers, the northern subspecies got caught up in political turmoil in Sudan, the Central African Republic, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, and Uganda, and its numbers quickly dwindled because of poaching and habitat loss. With just one breeding male left, the outlook for the subspecies is grim. We need to encourage close care and monitoring of this final male in existence to ensure it stays healthy and free from poachers and other dangers.
If the last breeding male doesn't mate, scientists may be able to breed the northern white rhino females with the southern subspecies.That would preserve some of the genes of the northern white rhino, even if the genes are mixed with those of their relative. Conservationists state "they will continue to do what we can to work with the remaining animals," the reserve said in a statement, "in the hope that our efforts will one day result in the successful birth of a northern white rhino calf." That is a glimmer of hope in the right direction but we want to make our voices known; do whatever it takes to save the white rhino in Kenya.
Please sign and share this petition in an effort to save the white rhino in Kenya from extinction. Recently, one of their breeding males passed on at only 34 years of age when their life expectancy is up to 50 years old. There is present fear that these amazing animals are in danger of extinction and need to plea with Kenya to take more steps in preserving their existence.
Kenya Environmentalists and Conservationists - We urge you to please do all you can to save the white rhino from extinction. Guard and protect the one remaining male rhino under close supervision to ensure his health and safety while aiming to have him mate. However, mixing the northern with the southern white rhinos is another important avenue in created more young, as long as they can be protected from disease, poachers and predators. Please do not stop! Save the white rhino by implementing any measures that will ensure their existence and possible mating. Stop them from extinction!
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