Demand El Paso bar stop serving live fish in shots!

  • van: constanze Davis
  • ontvanger: Eddie Velasquez, Zocalo co-owner; El Paso Mayor Oscar Leeser; El Paso District 7 Lily Limon, Sylvia Borunda, Jaime Esparza

A bar located in El Paso, TX called Zocalo Cantina is serving live fish in alcohol shots! The fish get put into a shot glass of alcohol and panic in the cup just before being swallowed alive!

Please help us stop this cruelty. There is no need for fish to suffer for people to have a fun night out!

Update #18 jaar geleden
Thank you all for your help and support in stopping this. It's finally over and the case has been closed. From what we have been told it has been stopped and seized, the bar is no longer serving these live fish shots. Thank you all again!
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