Help save Milo from breed discrimination!

  • van: Kenzie Kyler
  • ontvanger: Mifflinburg borough and my neighbor

My pitbull/lab mix and I both have been dealing with the stress my neighbor has been giving us the past few months. Milo is about 2 years old and has lived with us for those 2 years. There have been no issues or complaints with the neighbors or him for those 2 years. Recently, we have had a cruel lady move nextdoor. Ever since, Milo has been harassed, falsfully accused of multiple things, and I am forced to keep him on a leash at all times in my FENCED IN YARD. My neighbor is constantly provoking Milo by walking along the fence nice and slow, and even talking to him. After she gets attention, she plays the victim and dog gets treated unfairly by the local police. I am tired of it and want to fight it! I've been threatened by the police that if he jumps on the fence he will be registered as a dangerous dog and could potentially be put down. I am currently being cited because he appeared threatening to my neighbor and apparently tried to bite her. None of which is true. I feel like Mifflinburg borough is handling this all the wrong way and being one sided, and I also feel like my neighbor should be charged with false accusations and harassment.

Update #38 jaar geleden
Recieved my citation today, this is what it states, Unlawful confinement and control
It says "it should be unlawful for the owner or keeper of any dog to fail to keep at all times the doh in any of the following manners: under reasonable control of some person, or when engaged in lawful hunting, exhibition, performance, events of field training. Defendent did not keep reasonable control of family dog which got outside and jumped on fence@neighbor with its head over fence startling neighbor."
Update #28 jaar geleden
Milo has been at a friends for a couple days now and he is doing very well. He seems less stressed. We will see what my neighbor has to say about my other dog. Please keep sharing and thank you so much.
Update #18 jaar geleden
Hello, thank you for all your help. As of now, i have milo at a friends house to limit his stress level. I still did not recieve my citation, but should in a few days. I will post an update when i do so. Thank you all and we will not give up. This lady cannot continue doing this.
petitie tekenen
petitie tekenen


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