End Nut Ban in Waterloo Region District School Board

  • In Canada there is an Education Act, which requires every child between the ages of 6 and 18 to be enrolled in a form of education.
  • In Canada we believe our taxes pay for schools.
  • Sabrina's Law does not impose a food ban. Sabrina died from dairy. The schools have a cheese pizza day! Let that sink in.


Montreal lifts peanut ban

Peanut free schools don't work, peanut free tables do


I am a single mom with 3 kids under 6, being told that my children do not have a right to attend public school because I pack nuts in their lunch. 

The children allergic to nuts are not deserving of more protection than any other allergic student.

What a disservice we are doing, by making these students afraid of what they are allergic to, rather than teaching them the skills needed for their life long limitation.

I call upon the parents of the Waterloo Region District School Board students, to seriously question why they simply accept this rule. Why do you allow your food choices to be limited by the minority? What will you do when there are further food bans?

If the school board wants to tell me what I can and cannot bring to school, they should be feeding the children. Otherwise, it's simple enough to make sure students know not to share food, and to wash up after!

Should we kill all the bees because people are allergic to them?

Update #16 jaar geleden
Thank you for signing!

I would like to note that I have seen the protest in a couple of 'signatures.'

I understand your feelings. Research and read about this issue and you will understand that banning foods puts the cart before the horse.

There are safe and easy solutions that don't involve banning foods. I urge you to research scent allergies (peanuts are not a scent allergen), as well as thoroughly reading this petition.
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