Stop Canned Lion Hunting in South Africa

  • van: Beverly Whitt
  • ontvanger: South African Government, Jacob Zuma - President of South Africa

Please take a moment and read about the canned hunting practices in South Africa. The once proud and majestic lion is being captured and abused before being carted to a facility where people pay to shoot them at point blank range.

Your signature will help by letting the South African government know that you will boycott the tourism industry until they clean up their act!

Every day in South Africa, lion cubs are snatched from their mothers to be used in breeding mills. These mills function much the same as puppy or kitten mills and produce the same results. Many of the cubs are born sick, stunted, and hairless. The ones that do look healthy are sent to "cub petting" and "lion walking" parks for tourists. The lions grow up in the presence of humans, never knowing their true habitat. In other words, the lions become domesticated and submissive to humans. When the lions are too old to be "cute", they are sent to canned hunting facilities. This means that people pay to walk up to the caged lions and shoot them at point blank range. Then they take the pelt home as a prize. What makes this already gruesome practice even more horrifying is that these domesticated lions walk right over to the humans ready to play and be petted. They do not know to fear humans, because they have been taught that humans are companions. If you sign this petition, you are sending a message to the South African government that you will not keep silent. You will spread this information far and wide, and furthermore, you will not promote South African tourism by visiting their country. If you do not sign this petition, you may be condemning the lions, once the symbol of strength and power, to a life that begins in a mill and ends with a violent close-range death by gunfire. Please tell the South African government that you will not stand for these egregious acts of terror. Help the animal that not only graces the South African currency, but also their vast landscape. Help the lions by saying NO to breeding mills, cub petting zoos, and lion walking parks. Save them from a cruel fate. They need you! For more information, visit and watch the 60 Minutes special on YouTube.

Update #310 jaar geleden
Please watch this video from featuring the leader in the campaign against canned lion hunting, Chris Mercer. And then please sign the petition against canned lion hunting and share it with your friends.
Update #210 jaar geleden
Thank you to CBS for their involvement in this campaign. They aired not only "From Pets to Prey", a documentary exposing the canned lion industry, but also a 15 minute video with Clarissa Ward showing how Cub Petting leads to Canned Hunting. Watch here:

and here:
Update #110 jaar geleden
A huge thank you to Chris Mercer of the Campaign Against Canned Hunting for your recognition and signature!
And thanks to all who have made our first hours a huge success. Please continue to spread the word via email, facebook, twitter, or any way you can. You are making a difference.
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