Demand An End To Horrific Slaughterhouse Practices Now!

  • van: Judy Molland
  • ontvanger: Department of Environment, Food and Rural Affairs, HM Government

UK law states these animals brought to a slaughterhouse should be stunned and left for 20 seconds until they are unconscious before they are slaughtered.

Under the halal code, animals are supposed to be killed quickly with a single sweep of a surgically-sharp knife; they should not see the knife or witness the death of other animals.

However, undercover video at an abattoir in the north of England reveals workers hacking and sawing at the animals' throats with apparently blunt knives. In one instance the procedure, which according to Islamic law should be instantaneous, takes five attempts. And the animals are not stunned.

Dear Department of Environment, Food and Rural Affairs,

HM Government,

Recently, videos taken at the halal Bowood Yorkshire Lamb slaughterhouse in Thirsk revealed workers hacking and sawing at the animals' throats with apparently blunt knives. In one instance the procedure, which according to Islamic law should be instantaneous, takes five attempts.

Although UK and EU law states these animals should be stunned and left for 20 seconds until they are unconscious before they are slaughtered, this is clearly not happening.

In addition, under the halal code, animals are supposed to be killed quickly with a single sweep of a surgically-sharp knife; they should not see the knife or witness the death of other animals. These rules were clearly not being followed.

We call for an end to slaughter without pre-stunning for all animals, as well as a thorough investigation into the horrific practices at this slaughterhouse.

Thank you for your time.

Update #19 jaar geleden
Good news for all who signed my petition! The British Food Standards Agency (FSA) informed the BBC that four involved slaughtermen have had their licenses suspended. However, there is still more work to be done. Animal welfare organizations in the U.S. are calling for cameras to be mandated at slaughterhouses. Help make this happen by signing this petition:
And thank you!
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