We demand that the municipality of Ramat Hasharon, Israel, save the Neve Gan wetland, located along the Ayalon highway
Wetland ecosystems are on the verge of extinction in Israel with 75% of them drained as a result of urban development without considering its environmental implications
According to the UN Ramsar Convention for the Protection of Wetlands*, wetlands are of global importance as follows:
• This ecosystem is of paramount significance for preserving global biodiversity that is now going extinct at an alarming rate.
• These natural flood plains clean the groundwater and soil from heavy metals and other chemical pollution.
• Wetlands prevent flooding in urban areas with dense building construction, draining rainwater into them. In the era of global climate change, Israel cannot cope with a huge amount of rainfall in one place at one time, and if wetlands are drained it will result in deadly flooding in cities. Hence it is very important to have these natural water reservoirs especially urban areas.
• The wetland absorbs and captures carbon dioxide from the environment. Thus, their destruction will release huge amounts of greenhouse gases that cause global warming and climate change.
• The Neve Gan wetland on the Israeli Mediterranean coast harbors one of the last remaining viable populations of the critically endangered species of amphibians: the Banded Newt (Triturus vittatus), the Cat-Eyed Spade Footed Frog (Pelobates syriacus syriacus), the Green toad (Bufo viridis) and the Green Tree Frog (Hyla savignyi) - listed on the IUCN Red List.
• It is an important site for internationally endangered migratory birds.
• Wetland protection will promote environmental education, sustainable development and eco-tourism.
• For the protection of global biodiversity we demand Israel ratify the UN Ramsar Convention for the protection of wetland ecosystems.