Recently,I visited a goat slaughter place run by the government with my dad,the place was in Dematagoda, a town in Srilanka.We went there to rescue some goats from the slaughter place as it was kinda hobby of my dad and mainly because we cant bear the suffering and the childish screams of the cute little goats.while we were choosing the little goats to buy and rescue them,suddenly we heard a loud childish scream,as we followed the scream ,which was from another hall from the same place.As we went closer and closer we heard the loud beatings,then we looked from the hall fenced nets,i was shocked to see such a terrifying scene happening in Srilanka,i was dumbstruck for few seconds........
There were five pigs ,i watched how all five died ,there were 2 people one with a heavy iron bar,the other with a wooden stick.the man with a wooden stick drives the pig towards the man with the heavy iron bar.when the pig runs towards the man,he dash the pigs body ,mostly the head with the iron bar,he hammered the pig about five times before it flats out ,the helpless innocent pig cries out in pain like a little child,then the man with the iron bar stabs him with a knife,the poor swollen pig wriggles in immense pain,till that the man sets up a hot water pipe to i guess,its to sterilize the pigs,However the second pig goes near the wriggling helpless pig on the blood lake of his own blood ,it comes there and keeps sniffing or kissing or whatever,As the man finished setting up the pipe,he took the heavy iron pole again ,suddenly ,this part was astonishing ,the bleeding pig stood up and ran with the other pig as they heard the man picking up the iron pole,just put yourself there and imagine how much fear within you at that moment after getting beaten up and stabbed,still being alive and getting beaten up again,the man came closer and closer ,He raised his arm high and clenched onto the iron pole and hammered the same helpless pig who was trapped at the edge another five times,it screamed extremely loud like a little kid,it was kinda like hell. A twinge of fear ran through me,i was terrified being there in such a situation,the man threw the pole and took the knife out,he stabbed the innocent pig another three times,the place was full of blood ,then it wriggled again crying after about four five minutes it died.i never seen such a terrible thing in my life.i was thinking to myself ,all this great suffering the pigs have to suffer because of peoples greed for just to fulfill their tastebuds,see how selfish and cruel the people are,Wheres the so called humanity ,love, kindness? just for the sake of fulfilling peoples desire and lust,they have to make these innocent helpless pigs to suffer,i hope the world will look forward to the immense suffering and put a full stop on pork and other meats as well.
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