• van: Anita Chew
  • ontvanger: Mr Minister K Shanmugam, Law Minister and Foreign Affairs Minister, Foreign Affairs Ministry, Mr Minister Desmond Lee, Minister Of State Ministry Of National Development

Petition for a ban on tethering of dogs.

Singapore currently has no laws in place to restrict dog tethering. While many homes in temperate countries keep their dogs indoors, dogs in our Asian culture are mostly treated as guard dogs and kept outdoors ( in a landed property ).
Chaining dogs unfortunately legal in Singapore is one of the cruelest punishments imaginable for social animals like Mikey. Mikey chained to a post whole day and night and denied the opportunity to engage in any normal activities that promote physical and emotional health will suffer eventually from being isolated, consistently alone, intense boredom, frustration, depression and most of all SADNESS. Yet this cruelty is supported by our current laws.

Why you should sign this petition?

Most people would think “I’ll mind my own business”, but caring people like you can make a huge difference by influencing the legislators and policy makers where animal welfare is concerned. We all need to pitch in to help get laws passed. Change will not happen until animal advocates like you voice your feelings. We need a change in legislation to protect dogs like Mikey from a life time of suffering. An enactment of this vital legislation will end the suffering of Mikey’s and the many dogs tethered long term in Singapore.

Dear Sir,

I am writing to you regarding my concerns about the welfare of our house dogs being chained in Singapore. Tethered dogs unfortunately legal in Singapore is one of the cruelest punishments imaginable for social animals like a dog. Dogs tethered to a post whole day and night and denied the opportunity to engage in any normal activities that promote physical and emotional health will suffer eventually from being isolated, consistently alone, intense boredom, frustration, depression and most of all SADNESS. Yet this cruelty is supported by our current laws.

Chaining a dog is inhumane and a threat to the dog itself. A dog kept chained for hours on end, days and months or even years suffers immense psychological damage due to a lack of exercise and mental stimulation.

Not to mention that a tether can also become tangled around or hooked on the dog's shelter structure or other objects further restricting the dog's movement and potentially causing injury. Dogs whether raised as cuddly pets or guards have a fundamental biological need to move freely around. 

Although tethering a dog has long been a standard of practice in Singapore unfortunately, it is timely that we move towards a more humane and compassionate society. In order to inculcate a kinder mindset in the younger generation, we should lead by example by making changes to the current legislation to protect the rights of dogs.

 I respectfully urge you to propose a ban on the tethering of dogs in Singapore and to promote a more holistic approach to educating the public on properly caring for their pets. Education combined with legislation is the answer.

Thank you


petitie tekenen
petitie tekenen


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