Tyler Perry: Don't Donate Hurricane Harvey Money to Joel Osteen

    Please sign this petition to ask Tyler Perry not to donate $250,000 of his Hurricane Harvey relief money to megachurch owner Joel Osteen, who initially failed to open his church to hurricane victims!

    Perry is donating a total of $1 million to hurricane relief efforts, and we ask that he not reward Osteen for his inconsiderateness.

    Osteen was widely criticized for initially not opening his 16,000-seat Lakewood Church to Hurricane Harvey victims. On Aug 27, as the church remained closed, the congregation’s Facebook page said the church was “inaccessible due to severe flooding,” but didn't clarify if the church itself was flooded.

    Before that post, Osteen told ABC News the church was “prepared to house people once shelters reach capacity.” Why wait?! Osteen should be ashamed of his considerateness and lack of transparency, and Perry for rewarding it.

    Osteen has an estimated net worth of $40 million and is the fifth richest pastor in America. He lives in a $10.5 million mansion. Yet he couldn't be bothered to help victims of Harvey's wrath?

    Please sign this petition to ask Tyler Perry not to donate $250,000 of his hurricane relief money to megachurch owner Joel Osteen and to give it to another charity instead.
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