The Michael Jackson Invincible Campaign Petition

To support the music and the legacy of Michael Jackson

To Sony and the Michael Jackson Estate

We, the undersigned are asking Sony and the Michael Jackson Estate to commemoratethe 10th Anniversary of Michael Jackson’s last studio album,Invincible.

The Invincible Album was released in October 2001, and has 16tracks, 14 of which were written or co-written by Michael Jackson.

Michael stated in 2001/2 that he thought the Invincible Album was equal to if not better than Thriller. Weall know how phenomenal Thriller was and still is.

We would like to see the Invincible Album rigorously promoted and re-released. We understand that there are many unreleased tracks recorded at the time, which could be included on any re-release. Moreover, many supporters of the Invincible Album would like to collect the original 5 coloured covers and the DVD as part of the celebration of Invincible’s 10th Anniversary.

We further feel that this special 10th Anniversary should not go unmarked by Sony and the Estate and we therefore entreat your support for a global recognition of the 10th Anniversary of the Invincible Album.

We look forward to your response to this Invincible Petition.

Thank you.


Mjsinvincible Team

Debbie Francis -

Lynton Guest - Music Artist, Journalist, Author of 6 books including: The Trials of Michael Jackson

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