Shut down all the kennels in slaughter

   Everyday thousands of dogs and cats are horrifyingly slaughtered in kennels all over the world. The main causes are: the exceed of maximum capacity; the coolness of people on abondoning their pets and even letting abandoned animals die from hunger, coldness and sickness in the streets; the coolness of kennel workers and veterians who say "This dog is carrier from highly contagious diseases which will probably prejudice other animals and people, decreasing life quality on the society".
    Animals rescued from public places often stay in the kennel a couple of days and, if not adopted, they are beastly killed!

   Even with all the ministration on how to kill the animal without pain, the message is "No Steal for No Stealing (of lives)". We must stand and say to our state governments We Hate This Crime!

Every specie deserves life quality and, most of all, LOVE.

   Everyday thousands of dogs and cats are horrifyingly slaughtered in kennels all over the world. The main causes are: the exceed of maximum capacity; the coolness of people on abondoning their pets and even letting abandoned animals die from hunger, coldness and sickness in the streets; the coolness of kennel workers and veterians who say "This dog is carrier from highly contagious diseases which will probably prejudice other animals and people, decreasing life quality on the society".
    Animals rescued from public places ofen stay in the kennel a couple of days and, if not adopted, they are beastly killed!

   Even with all the ministration on how to kill the animal without pain, we don%uFFFDt see the reason to kill rescued animals in the kennals. Animals have feelings and those people who kill them just don't have feelings. 

We hope you understand and thank you for your time.
petitie tekenen
petitie tekenen
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