Stop the poisoning of cats with anti-freeze!

  • van: Gracie MG
  • ontvanger: British Anti-Freeze manufacturers & UK Government

Two cats have recently been deliberately poisoned to death with anti-freeze in Derby, UK.

Considering that this is spring, there is no way the cats' deaths were accidental. Their deaths can only be attributed to a deliberate act of poisoning.

To prevent further deaths of cats from anti-freeze poisoning, the UK government needs to require manufacturers to add a bittering agent to anti-freeze.

According to the RSPCA, even the smallest amount of anti-freeze ingested can cause kidney failure and ultimately death. Cats can suffer for up to 2-3 days before showing signs.

There are a lot of evil people in this world who think nothing of causing innocent, defenseless animals pain and suffering to satisfy their own sadistic natures.

Anti-freeze contains ingredients that smell and taste sweet to cats making it extremely easy to poison them by lacing milk with the product or deliberately spilling it where a cat may lick it up.

The addition of a simple bittering agent to make the product repellent to cats is a simple solution and will help to reduce the potential for further poisonings.

It's too late for the lovely cats who have already lost their lives. In the US, this issue has been addressed by Congress. The UK should follow suit.

Please sign and share this petition and tell the UK government to require manufacturers to add a bittering agent to anti-freeze, to reduce the risk of cats being poisoned by it. When I get enough signatures I will send to the manufacturers and the government.

Two cats have recently been deliberately poisoned to death with anti-freeze in Derby, UK.

Considering that this is spring, there is no way the cats' deaths were accidental. Their deaths can only be attributed to a deliberate act of poisoning.

To prevent further deaths of cats from anti-freeze poisoning, the UK government needs to require manufacturers to add a bittering agent to anti-freeze.

According to the RSPCA, even the smallest amount of anti-freeze ingested can cause kidney failure and ultimately death. Cats can suffer for up to 2-3 days before showing signs.

There are a lot of evil people in this world who think nothing of causing innocent, defenseless animals pain and suffering to satisfy their own sadistic natures.

Anti-freeze contains ingredients that smell and taste sweet to cats making it extremely easy to poison them by lacing milk with the product or deliberately spilling it where a cat may lick it up.

The addition of a simple bittering agent to make the product repellent to cats is a simple solution and will help to reduce the potential for further poisonings.

It's too late for the lovely cats who have already lost their lives. In the US, this issue has been addressed by Congress. The UK should follow suit.

Please sign and share this petition and tell the UK government to require manufacturers to add a bittering agent to anti-freeze, to reduce the risk of cats being poisoned by it. When I get enough signatures I will send to the manufacturers and the government.

Update #310 jaar geleden
I have now extended this petition to the end of June in the hope I will reach the target of 28,000 signatures!

As I have collected more than 10,000 (thank you!) I will be able to take the petition to the UK government!

I couldn't have done this without all of you pitching in so thank you!!!!!
Update #210 jaar geleden
Hi all

Again, thanks for your overwhelming response to this issue!

After doing some research over the weekend I have managed to find one UK manufacturer that HAS added a bitterant to it's products but it's not enough.

However, I will be approaching this same company for permission to cite them as an example to others

Keep sharing and signing!

Thank you :)
Update #110 jaar geleden
First day of the petition and over 100 signatures collected, thank you so much!

I'll be researching manufacturers over the weekend to collate a list of who I want to contact regarding this issue.

Please continue to share this with your contacts on Facebook, Twitter etc etc, it really will make a huge difference!
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