Require Door Signage on All Wolverhampton Private Hire Vehicles

    As a concerned Wolverhampton resident and parent, I fear for the safety of my family and the community when it comes to the identification of private hire vehicles. With the lack of door signage, it becomes challenging to distinguish which company has arrived, especially in poor light, causing unnecessary safety concerns for both children and the elderly who depend on these services. Our elderly should not be expected to be waiting in the cold and under strain to identify which vehicle is sent for them. Neither should our children be left at the mercy of unidentified vehicles, questioning whether it's the correct private hire or not. 

    Following the orders of the Wolverhampton Licensing Department, all door signs have been removed. The current change potentially leaves unidentified vehicles approaching our homes for pickups, which hampers public trust and jeopardizes public safety.

    Studies have shown that visible identifiers on transportation services enhance trust and safety amongst passengers (source: Autonomous Vehicles and Public Perception Survey, UK).

    We urge the Wolverhampton Licensing Department to reconsider their decision and require all private hire vehicles to have door signage for easy company identification. Endorse this important change for the safety of our community by signing this petition. Your signature can make a difference in the safety and peace of mind of our residents. Please, sign our petition today.
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