Justice for Monkey

  • ontvanger: City of Lake Charles Mayor and Police Department

We are asking Lake Charles Police Department and the Mayor’s office to fully investigate the justification for lethal use of a firearm against a beloved pet. "Monkey" was more than a pet she was as close to a family member as anyone or anything could be. Monkey was shot by a Lake Charles Police Officer or Officers. She was shot multiple times after she ran out a gate that was left open by a suspect being chased by the officers. Now our beloved monkey is gone because she was considered a potential threat to the officers. If anyone knew monkey they know she was not any threat to anything. We the signers of this petition ask for an investigation into the circumstances and the decision of the officer or officers in their use of deadly force. I ask for an investigation as to why non-lethal tactics was not used? Please sign this petition and get Lake Charles Police Department to fully investigate this matter


petitie tekenen
petitie tekenen


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