Justice for Ace: The Cat Tortured in the Ocean

  • van: Care2 Team
  • ontvanger: Palm Beach County Authorities

In a heart-wrenching incident on Palm Beach, witnesses saw a man take a rescue cat named Ace and force the innocent animal under water over and over. Poor Ace was seen terrified, panicked, and fighting for air. The man then shouted, "Does anybody want a cat?" and tossed Ace 10 feet over a seawall. The person who abused Ace is being charged with animal abuse, but his actions show that he clearly needs mental health support, for his own sake and for the sake of all animals he may interact with in the future.

Sign the petition to demand that the Palm Beach County authorities implement a lifetime ban on animal ownership on the man who abused Ace and require him to get mandatory mental health counseling!

By some miracle, a concerned citizen found Ace two days later, and provided him with care. While sweet Ace was thankfully found, he has shown signs of physical and psychological trauma, including patches of missing fur and acting fearful and anxious.

This horrible act of cruelty not only endangered Ace's life but suggests this man could have profound issues that pose a threat to all animals. There is a pressing need to ensure this individual never harms another animal again.

Sign the petition to urge the Palm Beach County authorities to uphold its responsibility to protect the most vulnerable from harm!

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