Bar Trump from receiving classified security briefings!

Usually, presidential nominees get the privilege of receiving classified security briefings to ensure they're up to speed if they get elected — but Donald Trump is not a normal party nominee and definitely cannot be trusted with that privilege.

Let us recall all the things Trump has done with classified information:

-Stolen classified documents and hoarded them at his house
-Posted classified information on his Twitter account
-Held top-security briefings in the dining room at Mar-a-Lago
-Showed official documents to diners at Mar-a-Lago
-Shared classified information in discussions with Russian officials
-Allowed his son-in-law Jared Kushner to give classified information to the Saudis, who used it to crack down on dissidents and torture them

Does this sound like someone who can be trusted with classified information?

Tell President Biden: no more classified information for Trump!

Rep. Mikie Sherrill (D-NJ) doesn't think so, and has announced legislation that would prohibit people charged with certain crimes from receiving classified information — including a certain ex-president who is currently facing three different trials for various misdeeds.

Donald Trump and his family have far too many foreign interests, too many bills to pay, and too poor a sense of discretion to be allowed to have classified security briefings. He is a walking, talking threat to our national security.

Bar Trump from receiving classified security briefings!

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