Cops Still Looking For Evil Goon Who Shot Pet Dog In Face & Left Him To Pass Away On Roadway

Dudley, a Great Dane mix, has a new lease on life and a new family after he survived a horrifying act of cruelty.

Nevada Highway Patrol troopers responded to a call regarding a dog who was found lying on the sidewalk, bleeding from his mouth and legs.

Dudley had been abandoned there with a blanket and a bowl of water that had turned red from blood, after he was shot in the face and left there to die.

He was rushed to The Animal Foundation, where he was examined by veterinarians who confirmed that he had been shot in the face.

Dudley underwent a successful surgery to remove the bullet fragments and adjust fractured teeth.

Despite everything he had gone through, Dudley remained friendly and resilient.

LVMPD officer Richard Sibelrud saw Dudley's story on the news, and immediately felt like he needed to help. So he and his wife, Fiona, decided to adopt him!

Recently, Dudley paid a visit to the trooper who helped save his life.

When NHP trooper James Larose last saw Dudley, he was lying on the side of the road, covered in blood. Today, Dudley is happier than ever, and proudly took a few laps around dispatch at their headquarters.

Unfortunately, police are still investigating and searching for the monster who shot Dudley. If you have any information, you can anonymously call CrimeStoppers at 702-385-5555.

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