Dickinson Police, Texas must punish man for brutal killing of ex-girlfriends pet rabbit

  • van: Lucy Smith
  • ontvanger: Dickinson Police, Texas, USA

Creating this petition for and on behalf of Susan Chavarria (Katie's Mom)

A couple of weeks ago, my daughter Katie broke up with her boyfriend, Pablo Trejo. In retaliation, this past weekend, he KILLED her pet rabbit and texted her a picture of it. The next day, his friend Jacob Ruiz posted a video on Facebook of them kicking the bunny around on a porch and throwing things at it. You can also hear someone say "it's Katie's pet bunny"

There were lots of mean, horrible comments on the original post, which has since been taken down. These guys are heartless, mean, cruel grown men that tortured an innocent animal. We are hoping they end up behind bars, but it hasn't happened yet. Dickinson police say they are working on it. By posting & sharing this video, we're hoping they won't drop the ball and these losers will pay for what they did.

**warning: this video is disturbing**

Update #110 jaar geleden
Please could you ask your family and friends to sign this Petition - the close date is 31 October, 2014.

Many thanks for all your help! Lucy Smith
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