Save Wolf

  • van: ctim
  • ontvanger: everyone
 Hi  Because of human persecution and habitat destruction, is now found in only a few regions.  
Photo, thanks Wolf has many good characters and stories.
People say the election on 25 March 2012 to select the Chief Executive of Hong Kong, is the fighting between wolf and pig.
Delay Hong Kong Chief Executive creationDelay Hong Kong Chief...
Vote Henry Tang as Hongkong Chief ExecutiveVote Henry Tang as Hongkong...implied him as pig
vote Leung Chun-ying as Hong Kong Chief Executivevote Leung Chun-ying as Hong...implied him as wolf
We do not know whether he has wolf's good characters.
Actually, the election also have another candidate:Vote Albert Ho as Hongkong Chief ExecutiveVote Albert Ho as Hongkong...maybe as man  (Since he is not a person pro-PRC China government, he likely may not have much chance to win the election.)

People's Republic of China People's Republic of China
PRC is ruled by the Communist Party of China , is far different from liberal democracy orsocial democracy that exists in most of Europe or North America. Even its Premier , Wen Jiabao, want the election is a fair one.   Save BabeSave Babe
Pig has very cute name as babe, he has many good characters and benefits to human. Share Christmas JoyShare Christmas Joy
He makes us having a warm feeling.
Do you know the Chinese word for home is written as a roof covered a pig. 
Hope the 1200-member election Committee take Wisdom in action
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Human Rights now has an identity!Human Rights now has an identity! Help Rescue more Donkeys this ChristmasHelp Rescue more Donkeys this...

Let us be loving, hopeful and optimistic. And we’ll change the world.  Let us be loving, hopeful and optMy friends, love is better than anger. Hope is better than fear. Optimism is better than despair.
We can't steal from the future to serve the present. We need to sustain and steward the EarthWe can't steal from the... can't steal from the future to serve the present. We need to Take Action! Care2 Members & VisitorThank you Thank you  Click to Save the WorldPlease.
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