Say NO to Animal Cruelty! Bring Justice in LVJC Case No. 15F02726X

Man appears before judge in injury, death of Chihuahua

LAS VEGAS (KSNV & MyNews3) -- The man accused of killing his own 6-pound Chihuahua faced a judge Tuesday.

Authorities say Howard Easter choked a Chihuahua so badly, the dog left paralyzed before dying.

Read the entire story at here!

Support the Clark County, NV District Attorney's office in their continuing efforts to combat animal cruelty!

Dear District Attorney Wolfson:

 We, the undersigned, fully support you and your office's continued efforts in combating animal cruelty in Clark County. Swift justice and harsh punishments will help make a difference. With that being said, we graciously request that LVJC Case No. 15F02726X be prosecuted to it's fullest extent. Thank you for your time and concern regarding this matter.


Citizens Concerned for the Welfare of Animals

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