STOP the cruelty of animals in the Sharjah Animal Market (UAE)

  • van: JS
  • ontvanger: Ministry of Sharjah
At the Sharjah Animal Market located in Dubai, animals such as cats, dogs, birds, wild animals are cramped up in unhealthy and cruel conditions that is so inhumane as well as illegal animal trading takes place.  A visit to the market will shock the living conditions of these beautiful animals such as 2 large dogs in cages less then 2x4 cages no space to move and no food or water. Cats in bird cages and birds packed in a tiny cage some even dead on the floor. Just take a minute to imagine yourself living in those conditions. What did these animals do to deserve such treatment. We need to put a stop to this illegal action and implement a tougher system.

We the undersigned call upon the Ministry of Sharjah to stop the cruelty against animals and take a stand to be the voice for the animals.  Please start today and make a difference by signing up. We as humans have a sense of responsibility not only to our selves but to every living creature.  "SAVE LIFE, BREATH FREEDOM"
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