Stop Sussex puppy farming

These people are over breeding their dogs and selling them on for £1000 a pup. People are made to think they are buying a pedigree, when in fact the bitch has had too many litters and can't register the pups as pedigree. The dogs have serious health problems costing the new owner thousands in vet bill's. Help put a stop to puppies suffering life long health problems.

Update #39 jaar geleden
Hi Sussex express are looking at the story they want as many people to contact them with info on Sussex wolves everybody needs to speak to susan king tel 01323 414488
Update #29 jaar geleden
We are doing really well. But need as many signatures as possible! Please share this far and wide
Update #19 jaar geleden
Have just been informed the council has received 3 phone calls in regards to this matter today. Let's keep this going.
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