Give NRA donations to gun violence survivors!

Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida was viciously attacked by a man wielding a semi-automatic AR-15. 17 died; most were children. It was the 18th school shooting of 2018 in the United States on the 45th day of the year.

The National Rifle Association lobbies politicians, wooing them with money, to ensure they have the legislative votes to keep these unnecessary AR-15s available to all Americans, even the mentally ill.

We are calling on ALL Florida politicians to forward every penny they have ever received from the NRA to a fund (not under their control) that will benefit the survivors and victims' families.

Sign this petition to demand that Senator Marco Rubio, Senator Rick Scott, and Governor Ron DeSantis to take the first steps by immediately donating all the money that the National Rifle Association has given you.

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