Demand Puppy Rapist is Sentenced to Maximum Jail Term

  • van: Kim Shack
  • ontvanger: Orangeburg County Judicial System

On Friday, April 10, 2015, Freddie James, 79, of Vance, Orangeburg County, SC was arrested on charges of having sex with a female pit bull mixed puppy. On Saturday he appeared before Orangeburg County Magistrate Jacob Gillens and his bond was set at $1,000 cash or surety.

Because Mr. James has never been charged with a crime before and with his advanced age, there is great concern that he will not be sentenced to the maximum jail term defined under law for this felony, 5 years and a $500 fine.

Please be the voice for this poor puppy and send a strong message to the Orangeburg County judges that this type of horrific abuse will not be tolerated. Demand that Mr. James face the full 5 years imprisonment. Just because he has never been charged with a crime before doesn't mean that he has never committed a crime before.

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