Demand Help for "Britain's Loneliest Bat" to Get a Second Chance at Survival

  • van: Care2 Team
  • ontvanger: UK Government and Environmental Agencies

In a miraculous turn of events, conservationists in the South Downs National Park have recently discovered a female greater mouse-eared bat, a species thought extinct in Britain for decades. This discovery, coupled with sightings of a lone male of the species, presents a unique opportunity to revive a population that was once considered lost. The time to secure the future of these bats is now, with the UK government providing essential funding for their recovery.

Sign the petition to urge immediate action and funding for the conservation of the greater mouse-eared bats!

For over two decades, the presumed extinction of the greater mouse-eared bat has been a tragic example of Britain's wildlife losses. The recent discovery of a breeding-age female in Sussex rekindles hope for this species, challenging conservationists to take decisive action. 

The greater mouse-eared bat not only represents a critical part of our natural heritage but also plays a vital role in controlling pests. Reviving their population will not only correct a historical wrong but also reinforce the health of our ecosystems.

Sign the petition to urge the UK government to immediately set in motion the plans and funding necessary to give these bats the protection and support they deserve!

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